Xcel Energy offers a Custom Efficiency program intended for projects and equipment that conserve energy but do not meet the standards for typical rebate programs. The amount of the rebate is determined by the amount of energy saved by the project. But the maximum rebate is 60% of the total project cost, and all projects require preapproval prior to starting the project or study. Non-standard lighting, cooling, heating, motors, VFDs, refrigeration, compressed air, or other equipment that does not have a standard/prescriptive refund are examples of projects that have received Custom Efficiency rebates. The details and participation benefits for a Custom Efficiency rebate are:

A refund of up to $400/kW is offered for production efficiency initiatives. Production efficiency initiatives result in an increase in the quantity of product produced per unit of energy (which is a decrease in the kWh per unit metric) and a change in production speed – units per hour. From the Xcel Energy website, the following refund amounts will apply to modified projects that fall under Xcel Energy Compressed Air and Efficiency Controls programs:

More information on projects frequently approved for Custom Efficiency rebates in Colorado can be found on the Xcel Energy information sheet. More information on Xcel Energy’s energy solutions for your business, including audits, studies, and rebate programs for Minnesota, can be found on this information sheet.
Xcel Energy teams up with numerous centers and businesses to save energy and money. One of their most notable success stories was with Vadnais Sports Center Hockey Rinks. To read the full success story, follow this link. Below is their snapshot of that project:

More information on Xcel Energy Custom Efficiency can be found on their website.
Click here for more information on commercial equipment energy rebates.