Discharge air controller, 20 to 30V AC, 6 cooling stages.
Microprocessor-based W7100 discharge air controllers maintain an average discharge air (DA) temperature in variable air volume (VAV) cooling systems by modulating an economizer and sequencing stages of mechanical cooling. These controllers are also applicable to electrical makeup air and other systems requiring discharge air control of multistage heating or cooling.
Features & Benefits:
- Staging capacity of may be extended using a W7101A Satellite Sequencer
- Advanced microprocessor control algorithms minimize droop
- Adjustable control band from 2 to 16°F (-17 to -9°C)
- Provision for systems without an economizer
- Adjustable reset of DA setpoint within range of 5 to 20°F (3 to 11°C) upward on cooling, 20 to 80°F (11 to 44°C) upward on heating (reset signal can be from space sensor or outdoor air sensor)
- Adjustable DA setpoint from 40 to 90°F (4 to 32°C)
- LEDs on W7100A,C panels show which stages of heating or cooling are on
- Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Component Recognized: Guide no. SDFY2, file no. SA481
- Canadian Standards Association Certified: Guide no.400-E-0, file no. 46034